Climate change already affects marine and coastal ecosystems and ecosystem services. Risk levels strongly depend on future rates of greenhouse gas emissions and even a global surface warming of between 1.5-2.0°C by the end of the century compared to pre-industrial levels, consistent with the Paris Agreement, will generate serious impacts on the ocean. Hence there is urgent need for ambitious global mitigation and local adaptation, and for assessing the possible contribution of the ocean to the leeway for action.
The Ocean Solutions Initiative was launched to assess the potential of ocean-based measures to reduce changes in three major climate-related drivers (ocean warming, ocean acidification, and sea-level rise) both globally and/or locally, as well as to reduce adverse impacts on vital climate-sensitive ecosystems (coral reefs, mangroves and salt marshes, seagrass beds, and Arctic biota) and ecosystem services (fin fisheries, fish aquaculture, coastal protection, and bivalve fisheries and aquaculture).
This web page lists the products of The Ocean Solutions Initiative
Billé, Raphaël, The Pacific Community, New Caledonia
Bopp, Laurent, CNRS, France
Cheung, William, University of British Columbia, Canada
Duarte, Carlos, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Gates, Ruth, University of Hawaii, USA
Gattuso, Jean-Pierre, CNRS, Sorbonne Université and IDDRI, France
Hinkel, Jochen, Global Climate Forum, Germany
Magnan, Alexandre, Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales, France
Mcleod, Elizabeth, The Ocean Conservancy, USA
Micheli, Fiorenza, Center for Ocean Solutions, Stanford University, USA
Middelburg, Jack, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Oschlies, Andreas, GEOMAR, Germany
Hans-Otto Pörtner, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Rau, Gregg, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA
Williamson, Phil University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Vanesa Chalastani and Jean-Olivier Irisson also contributed.
The Ocean Solutions Initiative is coordinated by the Monaco Association on Ocean Acidification. We are grateful for the support of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Veolia Foundation, the Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre and the French Facility for Global Environment.
Albright R., Hansson L., Cooley S., Gattuso J.-P., Marshall P., Marshal N., Fletcher S., Haraldsson G. & Hoegh-Guldberg O., 2023. Are we ready for ocean acidification? A framework for assessing and advancing policy readiness. Environmental Research Letters 18:041001.
Cziesielski M. J., Duarte C. M., Aalismail N. A., Al-Hafedh Y., Anton A., Faiyah Baalkhuyur F., Baker A. C., Balke T., Baums I. B., Berumen M. L., Chalastani V. I., Cornwell B., Daffonchio D., Diele K., Ehtsaam F., Gattuso J.-P., He S., Lovelock C., Mcleod E., Macreadie P. I., Marba N., Martin C., Muniz Barreto M., Krishnakumar P. K., Prihartato P., Rabaoui L., Saderne S., Schmidt-Roach S., Suggett D., Sweet M., Statton J., Teicher S., Trevathan-Tackett S. M., Joydas T. V., Yahya R. Z. & Aranda M., 2021. Investing in Blue Natural Capital to secure a future for the Red Sea ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:603722. [link]
Cramer W., Guiot J., Fader M., Garrabou J., Gattuso J.-P., Iglesias A., Lange M. A., Lionello P., Llasat M. C., Paz S., Peñuelas J., Snoussi M., Toreti A., Tsimplis M. N. & Xoplaki E., 2018. Climate change and interconnected risks to sustainable development in the Mediterranean. Nature Climate Change 8:972–980. [Abstract]
Duarte C. M., Agustí S., Barbier E., Britten G. L., Castilla J. C., Gattuso J.-P., Fulweiler R. W., Hughes T. P., Knowlton N., Lovelock C. E., Lotze H. K., Predragovic M., Poloczanska E., Roberts C. & Worm B., 2020. Rebuilding marine life. Nature 580:39-51. [link]
Duarte C. M., Gattuso J.-P., Hancke K., Gundersen H., Filbee-Dexter K., Pedersen M. F., Middelburg J. J., Burrows M. T., Krumhansl K. A., Wernberg T., Moore P., Pessarrodona A., Bachmann Ørberg S., Pinto I. S., Assis J., Queirós A. M., Smale D. A., Bekkby T., Serrão E. A. & Krause-Jensen D., 2022 Global estimates of the extent and production of macroalgal forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography [link]
Duvat V. K. E., Magnan A. K., Perry C. T., Spencer T., Bell J. D., Wabnitz C., Webb A. P., White I., McInness K. L., Gattuso J.-P., Graham N. A. J., Nunn P. D. & Le Cozannet G., 2021. Risks to future atoll habitability from climate-driven environmental changes. WIREs Climate Change: e700. [link]
Galgani F., Le Bris N. & Gattuso J.-P., 2017. Introduction. In: Euzen A., Gaill F., Lacroix S. & Cury P. (Eds.), The ocean revealed, pp. 217. Paris: CNRS Editions.
Gattuso J.-P., Gentili B., Antoine D. & Doxaran D., 2020. Global distribution of photosynthetically available radiation on the seafloor. Earth System Science Data 12:1697-1709. [link]
Gattuso J.-P. & Hansson L., 2017. Ocean acidification. In: Euzen A., Gaill F., Lacroix S. & Cury P. (Eds.), The ocean revealed, pp. 66-67. Paris: CNRS Editions.
Gattuso J.-P. & Magnan A., 2017. Risks related to climate change. In: Euzen A., Gaill F., Lacroix S. & Cury P. (Eds.), The ocean revealed, pp. 220-221. Paris: CNRS Editions.
Gattuso J.-P., Magnan A. K., Bopp L., Cheung W. W. L., Duarte C. M., Hinkel J., Mcleod E., Micheli F., Oschlies A., Williamson P., Billé R., Chalastani V. I., Gates R. D., Irisson J.-O., Middelburg J. J., Pörtner H.-O. & Rau G. H., 2018. Ocean solutions to address climate change and its effects on marine ecosystems . Frontiers in Marine Science 5:337. [link][supplementary material]
Gattuso J.-P., Magnan A. K., Duarte C. & Williamson P., 2021 The potential for ocean-based climate action: negative emissions technologies and beyond. Frontiers in Climate 2:575716. [link]
Gattuso J.-P., Magnan A. K., Gallo N., Herr D., Rochette J., Vallejo L. & Williamson P., 2019. Opportunities for increasing ocean action in climate strategies. Iddri Policy Brief 02/19:1-4. [link][supplementary material]
Gattuso J.-P. & Jiao N., 2022. Ocean-based climate actions recommended by academicians from Europe and China. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. [Abstract][Journal home page].
Gattuso J.-P., Jiao N., Chen F., Jouzel J., Le Quéré C., Lu Y., Tréguer P., von Schuckmann K., Wang Z. L. & Zang J., 2022. Ocean-based climate action. 12 p. Beijing and Brussels: Chinese Academy of Sciences and European Academy of Sciences. [Report]
Kleypas J., Allemand D., Anthony K., Baker A. C., Beck M., Hale L. Z., Hilmi N., Hoegh-Guldberg O., Hughes T., Kaufman L., Kayanne H., Magnan A., Mcleod E., Mumby P., Palumbi S., Richmond R., Rinkevich B., Steneck R. S., Voolstra C. R., Wachenfeld D. & Gattuso J.-P., 2021 Designing a blueprint for coral reef survival. Biological Conservation 257:109107. [link]
Magnan A. K., Billé R., Bopp L., Chalastani V. I., Cheung W. W. L., Duarte C. M., Gates R. D., Hinkel J., Irisson J.-O., Mcleod E., Micheli F., Middelburg J. J., Oschlies A., Pörtner H.-O., Rau G. H., Williamson P. & Gattuso J.-P., 2018. Ocean-based measures for climate action. IDRRI Policy Brief 6:1-4. [link]
Magnan A. K., Billé R., Bopp L., Chalastani V. I., Cheung W. W. L., Duarte C. M., Gates R. D., Hinkel J., Irisson J.-O., Mcleod E., Micheli F., Middelburg J. J., Oschlies A., Pörtner H.-O., Rau G. H., Williamson P. & Gattuso J.-P., 2018. Le rôle potentiel de l’océan dans l’action climatique. Propositions 6:1-4. [link]
Magnan A. K. & Gattuso J.-P., 2016. The cascading effects of climate-related changes in the ocean. In: Laffoley D. & Baxter J. M. (Eds.), Explaining ocean warming: causes, scale, effects and consequences, pp. 47-54. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.
Magnan A. K. & Gattuso J.-P., 2016. The need for fighting against ocean change. Ocean Newsletter 393.
Magnan A. K., Pörtner H.-O., Duvat V. K. E., Garschagen M., Guinder V. A., Hoegh Guldberg O., Zommers Z. & Gattuso J.-P., 2021 Estimating the global aggregated risk of anthropogenic climate change. Nature Climate Change. [link].
Masson-Delmotte V. & Gattuso J.-P., 2017. The ocean in IPCC reports. In: Euzen A., Gaill F., Lacroix S. & Cury P. (Eds.), The ocean revealed, pp. 258-259. Paris: CNRS Editions.
Rau G. H., Caldeira K., Gattuso J.-P., Greene C. H., Karl D. M., Leinen M., McNutt M. K., Murray J. W. & von Herzen B., submitted. Carbon dioxide removal: size matters. Science, (correspondence)
Williamson P. & Gattuso J.-P., 2022. Carbon removal using coastal blue carbon ecosystems is uncertain and unreliable, with questionable climatic cost-effectiveness. Frontiers in Climate 4. [Abstract][Journal home page].
Williamson P. & Gattuso J.-P., 2022. Pourquoi on ne peut pas se fier à la restauration des habitats côtiers pour ralentir le changement climatique. The Conversation.
[Web article]
Williamson P. & Gattuso J.-P., 2022. Climate change: why we can’t rely on regrowing coastal habitats to offset carbon emissions. The Conversation.
[Web article]
Presentations at meetings and seminars
Gattuso J.-P., January 2021. Ocean-based measures to reduce climate change and its impacts, Utrecht University colloquium series Hot Topics in Climate. Video.
Gattuso J.-P. & Duarte C.M., June 2020. Rebuilding marine biodiversity. Iddri-Sciences Po webinar. Video.
Gattuso J.-P., June 2020. Le climat et l’océan, indissociablement liés. L’Ifremer met l’océan à l’honneur. Video.
Gattuso J.-P., April 2020. The Ocean: an actor and a victim of climate change but also a source of solutions. EU’s International Ocean Governance Forum. Video.
Gattuso J.-P., March 2020. Opportunities for increasing ocean action in climate strategies. G20 meeting, Ryadh.
Gattuso J.-P., February 2020. Conséquences des récents rapports du GIEC pour la mer Méditerranée et la montagne. Conseil départemental des Alpes-Maritimes, Nice.
Gattuso J.-P., January 2020. L’océan : acteur-clé du climat, victime du changement climatique, mais source de solutions. Task force Océan, CNRS, Paris.
Gattuso J.-P., January 2020. L’océan de l’Anthropocène. Académie des Sciences, Paris. Video.
Gattuso J.-P., December 2019. Ocean-based solutions. Japan Pavilion, COP25, Madrid.
Gattuso J.-P., December 2019. Opportunities for increasing ocean action in climate strategies. EU Pavilion, COP25, Madrid.
Gattuso J.-P., December 2019. Opportunities for increasing ocean action in climate strategies. French Pavilion, COP25, Madrid.
Gattuso J.-P., December 2019. Ocean-based mitigation and adaptation. IPCC Pavilion, COP25, Madrid.
Gattuso J.-P., December 2019. Ocean in the climate system & SROCC conclusions. French Pavilion, COP25, Madrid.
Gattuso J.-P., October 2019. IPCC Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (including ocean solutions). Ocean and Climate Nexus: Road to COP25, Chilean Embassy, Paris.
Gattuso J.-P., October 2019. IPCC Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate and solutions). Entreprises pour l’environnement, Paris.
Gattuso J.-P., October 2019. Ocean-based solutions. Marine Regions Forum, Berlin.
Gattuso J.-P., August 2019. L’océan de l’Anthropocène. École d’été 2019 pour journalistes sur les sciences et technologies marines, Brest.
Gattuso J.-P., June 2019. L’océan et le changement climatique : causes, impacts et solutions. L’Académie des sciences à Nice et à Sophia Antipolis, Nice. Video.
Gattuso J.-P., April 2019. Pressions de l’homme sur la mer Méditerranée : état des lieux et solutions. Tables-rondes de l’Arbois, Marseille.
Gattuso J.-P., March 2019. Acidification des océans : causes, conséquences et solutions. Acidification des océans : conséquences sur les écosystèmes et les activités humaines. Nantes, Ministère de l’environnement.
Gattuso J.-P., March 2019. Climate change, coral reefs and mangroves: recent assessments of impacts, risks and solutions. Securing a future for Red Sea Ecosystems, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
Gattuso J.-P., December 2018. État des connaissances sur les grands enjeux du changement climatique en milieu marin. Quel rôle de la science pour renforcer l’adaptation et l’atténuation au cœur des territoires?, Marseille. GREC-SUD.
Gattuso J.-P., December 2018. Key global ocean drivers, impacts, and solutions. Seminar, University of Chicago.
Pörtner H.-O., December 2018. Implications of the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C for Oceans and People. COP24, Katowice, Poland
Pörtner H.-O., December 2018. Impacts of Ocean Acidification in a wider Context: Insights from IPCC SR15 and Current Research. COP24, Katowice, Poland
Gattuso J.-P., December 2018. Global and local measures to reduce the risks of impact of climate change on coral reefs. General Assembly of the International Coral Reef Initiative, Monaco.
Gattuso J.-P., July 2018. Key global ocean drivers, impacts, and solutions. 4th Geo Blue Planet Symposium, Toulouse.
Williamson P., Oct. 2018. Keynote: Multi-faceted CO2 removal methods. Negative Emissions Conference 2018, Canberra.
Gattuso J.-P., Nov. 2018. Key global ocean drivers, impacts, and solutions. Seminar, University of Chicago, USA.
Gattuso J.-P., June 2018. Impact des changements climatiques : solutions globales et locales. Colloque “Récifs coralliens : des solutions pour aujourd’hui et demain”, Paris.
Magnan A. K., 2018. Audition à l’Assemblée nationale par la mission d’information sur la gestion des événements climatiques majeurs dans les zones littorales de l’hexagone et des outre-mer.
Gattuso J.-P., Nov. 2017. Ocean-based solutions to minimise impacts of climate-related changes. Side event “Fast-tracking and financing coastal and marine nature-based solutions for climate resilience”, UNFCCC COP23, Bonn.
Gattuso J.-P., Nov. 2017. Ocean-based solutions to minimise impacts of climate-related changes. Workshop “From sciences to solutions: ocean acidification impacts on ecosystem services — case studies on coral reefs”, Monaco.
Gattuso J.-P., Nov. 2017. Changements climatiques et océans : conséquences et solutions. 2e congrès de la Société Francophone de néphrologie, dialyse et transplantation, Nice.
Gattuso J.-P., Nov. 2017. Climate change and the ocean: consequences and solutions. Seminar at The Lyell Centre, Heriott-Watt University, Scotland.
Magnan A. K., Nov. 2017. Contrasting futures of climate change impacts on the ocean, and ocean-based solutions. Policy workshop Towards ocean-related NDCs, UNFCCC COP23, Bonn.
Animated movies
Press releases
Interviews and media articles
Note that many duplicate stories not listed, also stories for most of 2019 and 2020 are mostly missing.
General public
Gattuso J.-P., January 2020. Climat et mer Méditerranée : état des lieux et solutions. Centre de découverte mer et montagne, Nice
Gattuso J.-P., 2017. Changements climatiques et océans : conséquences et solutions. Monaco Ocean Week